7digital Music App Released

The 7digital music app has officially released for a Blackberry Tour, Curve, and Bold near you. The app is free-to-download, but each track has an average price of $0.77 and albums starting at $7.77.

Browse the latest charts, preview the latest tracks and discover, purchase & download high quality, DRM-free MP3 music directly to your BlackBerry smartphone.

You'll also get an integrated advanced media player that imports your existing playlists and MP3 music so that you can carry your music collection wherever you go.
  • High quality, DRM-free MP3 music store
  • Latest charts, new music and weekly features
  • Flexible downloads via wireless carrier or WiFi with auto-replace
  • Integrated advanced media player
  • Headset, speaker and Bluetooth audio streaming support
Please note that a Micro SD Card is required to use this application.


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