Blackberry Device Simulator 5.0 Released

App developers can finally test their apps for OS 5.0 with the newly released Blackberry Storm 9500 device simulator. This should allow developers to make their apps run efficiently, while allowing push services and icon updates work. Such apps as 'Weather Bug' would not update the homescreen icon to show the current weather. Now apps like this will be fully compatible and ready for the new OS 5.0 devices that are about to launch.

The new simulator also allows developers to rotate the phone using their mouse; to simulate the use of the accelerometer. It was also upgraded with a graphics acceleration mode.

We are very eager to have all of our apps running properly on our leaked OS This just pushes our claims that OS 5.0 devices are about to launch. We're still going with the October 15th launch date for the Blackberry Storm 2 9550 for Verizon, so we'll see :)


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