Blackberry Widget SDK 1.0 Released

Research In Motion has at last made it possible for developers to make Blackberry widgets.

"BlackBerry® Widget SDK 1.0 Beta 1 consists of the BlackBerry Widget Packager 1.0 Beta 1, a BlackBerry Device Simulator, documentation and code samples. The BlackBerry Widget Packager 1.0 Beta 1 is a new tool that allows web developers to package up their web assets into BlackBerry Widgets (small, discrete, standalone web applications that use HTML, CSS and JavaScript). A BlackBerry Widget looks, behaves and has the same security mechanisms as a native BlackBerry application. BlackBerry Widgets can be installed on a BlackBerry smartphone like any native application and can be extended to use device-specific information and data using the BlackBerry Widget APIs."
It will be interesting to see what type of widgets will come to our Blackberry devices. There are already a few sample widgets to explore. For more info check it out here.


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