Blackberry OS Alert App Coming Soon

Sick of always having to search around your favorite Blackberry websites to see if the latest OS has leaked? Can't always tell when the next official OS released? You're in luck, with the new app bbOSalert that is in Beta! bbOSalert is a new application for BlackBerry devices that alerts you when a new OS has been posted on the internet. Once installed onto your device you can select which devices you wish to be alerted about and choose between leaked OS, official OS or both.

How does it work? Once an OS is posted on a site for download an alert will be sent out to whom ever has subscribed to that device. Along with the alert you will be notified of the version and where OS was posted (site wise) for you to download.

Not sure about you, but we love updating our berries with the latest OS, and are eager to give this app a try.

Check it out here


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