Fact or Fake: What is the BlackBerry 9890 and 9850?

There are a lot, and we mean a lot of interesting rumors that go around the internet. We're going to be starting to touch on these rumors with a 'Fact or Fake' segment for each one. Here we will examine each rumor and tell you how close we think they could be fact or fake. Now is the perfect time to start as here are a few images that will really boggle your mind. We can't vouch for the authenticity of these images, so take them with a grain of salt. Twitter user AdrCoF sent these images out of what appear to be the about screens for a BlackBerry 9890 and 9850.

While these images could be complete forgeries it is still interesting to dissect them on what they could be.

We actually have heard strong rumors that Verizon or Sprint will be getting a CDMA version of the slider BlackBerry, possibly one like the Torch and its model number would be 9850. The OS version in the image above appears to be, with possibly platform 7 (like the 9890). It also shows it to be 4G. This could coincide with Sprint's existing 4G network or Verizon's upcoming 4G LTE network expected to launch in early 2011. Note: this image appears to be in spanish.

The image of the 9890 shows it with an OS version of and on platform 7. The platform difference (not 6) could be caused due to it having to be a 4G specific radio. It is unclear what the 9890 could even be. We know that there is already a Torch2 currently being tested. Could the 9890 be it?

Currently neither model number has a UAProf Document. This is strange considering most Pre-release BlackBerry devices with about screens that show a model #, for the most part, show up on BlackBerry.net. What is your take on these two images? While some things could add up to make them real, we're still not sold and these images could be fakes. Hopefully more information will eventually come out if the 9850 and 9890 do exist. What do you think, fact or fake?


Tehcool said...

what spanish networks even have 4G? I think these are fake as hell

BerryInformed said...

I'm leaning towards fake, but what I find interesting is the following sentence, "We know that there is a Torch2 currently being tested." You guys are the bomb.

Sikandar Aftab said...

Wait, there's a Torch2 being tested?! I've never read anything about that.. does Torch2 mean a CDMA Torch or an actual upgrade?

TonyJohns said...

If they are going to release a CDMA verison of the Torch, why can't they release a GSM verison of the Storm!?

teostar said...

there is gsm storms. (9500 and 9520)

beri said...

i say real and i say yay to CDMA! woulda loved it was a world edition, but what the hell! :) loving it anyway

Atom said...

this is a mystery! if a torch 2 does come out then torch will be discontinued an torch2 will ship to an with GSM networks sinces its not exculsive and possibly 4G CDMA devices as well... makes more sense

Vincent_valdez17 said...


Matthew Ryan Goldman said...

If the 9850 is real, it is definitely going to Sprint. Sorry, but I don't think RIM would be the first to launch a 4G device on Verizon's network. I expect something like the EVO to do that.

DJ said...

This second photo words appear to be provided in a forum language.

Xattica said...

CDMA Puerto Rico was Centennial, now AT&T.

Nicholas Belcourt said...

I think one of them is the horizontal slider...and the other one...Storm3 anybody?

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