Video: BlackBerry Bold 9650 Running OS 6

It is no mystery that the BlackBerry Bold 9650 may eventually get OS 6. We showed you the first images of OS 6 on a 9650 and now here is video proof of it running live. Video after break.

Share your thoughts on what you think of OS 6 on the 9650. We are working hard for you. Stay tuned.


DDD said...

What about the camera software? Did that get an update with OS6?

Stephen said...

Is this an actual recent video or was it just because it wasn't hooked up to the net that it said June 10th instead of August 16th????

Derek Gelinas said...

my wife bought the torch on release day, so my 9650's looking downright shabby. i gotta have this. although hopefully it's somewhat newer than .80.

Smashed said...

I notice that the radio's still off. Haven't been able to pull file or find a replacement yet, huh?

✔ Im Real said...

lol shitty video. radio is off and ya'll trying to earn hype by not releasing the cods to hybriders. stupid coons

For_real said...


beri said...

just seeing that the Bold9650 is running OS6 is having me drool and wanna be slight impatient, but ill wait :)

P.S the device is looking sexy as ffffffuu.. hell running OS6

Smashed said...

Im real: It's not the hybrid builders they're worried about. It's the fact that if they release the OS without the radio, someone else will figure out how to solve it and get credit instead of bbleaks! Can't have that!

jon said...

u guyz seriously are D*CK HEADS........there doing what they can so give it a rest......jesus im sick of seeing u guys bashing BBLEAKS. u dont like it then take a hike.......or go extract the info sumwhere else if ur such a extremist on mobile technology

Davidlw4 said...

Can't wait for OS 6. Hurry up RIM, but not too fast we want it right.

✔ Im Real said...

bbleaks would still have credit for getting the files in the first place .......

Leetskit said...

Looks like you don't either, you damn noob. You still haven't been able to figure out os 6 for the 9650 so i wouldn't talk if I were you..

Moe said...

I can't wait for Blackberry 6 to be released to other devices like the 9700, I heard you'll need it for the blackberry pad that I am getting for sure.

Leetskit said...

Stop saying it's so hard and release it to the public and watch how fast people will get something working. You and your team are an epic failure, there are better people than you out there...

Leetskit said...

Release what you have previewed on that video and watch the magic, LouiV.

PirateME said...

epic fail! overhyped, i thought u guys had much more "huevos" than others to release something and not over hyped.... credibility does something for your site *sigh...

Waibun said...

Does the bottom bar of icons minimise down at all? Coz thats not alot of wallpaper space.

Ashley Oblinger said...

Hel yea sal! Looks pretty good. Thus far. Sexy as hell!

beri said...

why u people so dumb? did you guys ever think for a second that the device came loaded with the OS installed which is why its giving such a hard ass time to extract?!? come on use your heads and stop being so stupid and shallow.

On a side note, nice video guys and keep up the good work, aside from the few ignorant, impatient a**holes.. the majority of us are patiently awaiting this/a future leak of the OS for this device.

Saber said...

Just release what you have of the OS already, we don't care if its incomplete...... Not trying to be rude just sayin

Jerry_nks said...

all of you are just losers for criticizing bbleaks staff ... all this while they have been giving us awesome leaks and their preview is just to let you all know that it is there and they are working on it so be patient.. and all of u just rant about this video ... if u are so smart go grab ur own os6 phone and rip the os out urself...

dont have the ability to do so? then stop with all ur loser rants

bbleaks..keep up the good work! will be waiting patiently for ur awesome leaks!

Saber said...

if it or was possible to find a 9650 with OS6 I would release whatever I could get asap whether its complete or not

Melladon said...

Then you'd complain about not being able to make calls because it has no radio file. Cmon.

Jerry_nks said...

u say it easy... if u release something that would brick other user's phone ... who would they be slamming?

to you is " at ur own risk " , but no matter what ..u should be careful with what u are dealing with and thats what bbleaks is trying to do... to prevent any users to have problem with their phones after installing those leaks ...even though is 'at ur own risk' but at least they lower down that risk of yours

marlon said...

i cant wait for it to be leaked!!!!!

Saber said...

I never said it was easy. I said I want whatever is available. I can handle some sort of disclaimer or whatever. I don't think it's their place to be like apple and watch out for what I do (download) in my free time. If this had never been tweeted there wouldn't be any problem but we know what they have and we want it in full responsibility of what it might do

Saber said...

That's fine can we have the pointless files....

beri said...

this was tweeted to let us 9650 owners know that there is hope for our devices to receive OS6 in the first place! you keep saying I, I, I dude there are thousands of us who are looking forward to this leak so yes bbleaks need to make sure that this is ready for public download. some of you guys are so ignorant and selfish be real and quit the childish crap


Saber said...

Its like someone said earlier "I may not be able to put it together but someone on the internet can"

beri said...

you need the device to pull the files, what are you not understanding here?!? the OS is on the device to be extracted.. its not just files laying around.. how can they release what is not yet extracted?!?

its just amazing how some people think


Saber said...

they said they have the files other than the radio... the radio is only a portion of the OS

✔ Im Real said...

lol like i said hybrider don't care. we can always swap radios and try it that way

✔ Im Real said...

lol who cares if theres no radio file if ur a hybrid builder. hybriders can just use the os6 cods. bbleaks just tryna get full credit

Saber said...

^ My thoughts exactly, and its lame

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