Video: OS 6 on a BlackBerry Bold 9700

Many have wondered what OS 6 will be like on the BlackBerry Bold 9700. Now there is a video showing just how fluid it is with minimal lags. Chances are OS 6 won't release officially so that carriers can push the 'refresh' model 9780. Hit the break for the video.

via BGR


Bart Zwaagstra said...

now gimme!

Khumphan Amaratana said...

when can we see a leak for this?

Markanthonyclarkeny said...

leak the damn OS already!!

meske said...

Faster than I expected! Can't wait.

Ohplease said...

its ok showing us videos, but why not just leak the fucking thing so we can view it and review it out selfs for fuck sakes.. getting me mad

Pioppa84 said...

BGR leak that OS please....

Aznan said...

How about Curve 8900? Is it will be support OS6?

gordo42 said...

As the forum for BB leaks.... can someone over here comment on this post at DRIPHTER.COM?

Some important things to keep in mind. For those individuals screaming "LEAK THIS OS!", it wouldn't be as useful as you might think. Notice the "Level 1" at the top of the home screen? Watch closely, did you see the option to "Report a Bug" in the menu screen? This OS is clearly a testing OS which means it is unsecured.

Michaƫl Michael said...

Still got 8900.. But looks great at the 9700!

Bryan said...

great to see it running well. torch is still relevant. slider phones are awesome. But I can't wait to see this implemented in a candy bar style of the 9000 (or the 9700) even if the screen real estate is a little less but you won't be needing any virtual keyboards on these models.

sonydude said...

Level 1 is the WiFi SSID

jon said...

RIM already released an official statement about what devices we're gonna be compatible with OS6. 9700.9650, pearl other statements have been released about other devices being tested with OS6 (especially devices with a trackball) all devices with trackball most definately wont see OS6

Eclipsemoondark said...

I saw nothing that much different from my Strom in terms of it's speed. Dude's hands were fast with slim fingers almost like the guy with the long fingernails that everybody on Youtube told to cut em off! LOL!!!
Sadly I'm switching from the Storm 2 to a Driod X of course if my 30 day test drive don't work I send it back and wait for the Storm 3 with more memory if I keep it the T-Mobile card I have will come in handy, I don't know why I bought a bold with those small keys and my fat fingers it wound up in my drawer till I find the time to sell it.

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