BBM v5.0.1.32 Coming Soon to App World Test Center

App World users be ready for a huge app to hit the Test Center. BlackBerryOS reported BlackBerry Messenger v5.0.1.32 coming to the Center in BlackBerry App World. The version of BBM was just recently released to the BlackBerry Beta Zone, but surprisingly the sudden public release means RIM plans on releasing to the public.

[Image via PocketBerry] released a screenshot of the new version of BBM in App World but unfortunately (at the time this was written) the entire article had been taken down.

The features v5.1.0.32 includes are:

  • New chat UI 
  • Updated picture posting feature
  • Easier main contact menu
  • The option to choose not to have connected BBM contacts' SMS messages come through BBM
  • Updated menu options for ease of use
  • Add any text messaging contact and have them show up with other BBM contacts
  • Overall movement between chats and group chat has been greatly improved


Random Dude said...

I was lucky enough to get a Beta keycode... Been using this for over a month. Contact pictures are smaller. Other than that, its the same ole BBM. If it wasn't for most of my BBM contacts jumping ship for android or iPhone, this might be something I could be happy about.

Random Dude #2 said...

I'm wondering if the appworld version will require a keycode as well?

Andrew C said...

I wouldnt think so because the number of ppl who have App world dworfs the number who have beta. so nope

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