BlackBerry 6 Multimedia Experience Gets Plugged By RIM Blog

Today BlackBerry Blog posted an entire feature on BlackBerry 6, specifically its multimedia features. According to the article the multimedia team focused on delivering an "intuitive multimedia experience right out of the box." The author, Vikram, picks out his favorite parts of the experience and shares some awesome pictures of the OS in action. Hit the jump for all of them.

Playing Music
As seen in the first picture, the music interface has been drastically changed and simplified. There is album virtually, you will be able to navigate your music by using the interactive carousel to sort through the album covers.

From the picture you can see that you now have the ability to check multiple pictures which is a definite plus for sharing them via email or BlackBerry Messenger, copy, paste, or delete. BlackBerry 6 will "provide multiple dynamic ways to view and organize your photos, so thousands of photos can be organized intuitively." The photos will be grouped by event or by date, BBs will have touch support so you can zoom in using the "Pinch to Zoom" feature.

Sharing and Searching Videos
Videos you film with your device will have thumbnail view, which should make finding that one video a lot easier than it was. With BlackBerry 6 you can choose between three ways to view videos: Original, Fit to Screen, and Full Screen. Also, and this goes along with RIM trying to make it easier for users to social network, there is a new integrated YouTube video uploader so all it takes for the world to see your video is one click. And with the new universal search feature you can search sites like YouTube from the homescreen and view them in higher quality when your BB is running WiFi.

New Camera Features and New Scene Modes
Something RIM wanted to improve in BlackBerry 6 was the picture taking experience. With it you now can take pictures quicker and better with the new features such as new onscreen controls. With these new controls you can review pictures, set popular options and pick from a new set of "Scene Modes" without even hitting the menu button.

New Podcast App
One thing that was leaked earlier in the year was the development of a new podcast app, and now its been confirmed but it seems it will only be available in BlackBerry 6. Basically users can subscribe and play regular podcasts and video podcasts right from your device.

Multimedia Menus
When you first get your BlackBerry with the new OS6 on it you won't have any apps on it so your next step is to figure out how to get these apps. With the new menus in the media section you can select "Explore Music Apps", Explore Video Apps" or "Explore Picture Apps" and it will take your to the appropriate category in BlackBerry App World.


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