BlackBerry Desktop Manager 6 Coming to Beta Zone

The BlackBerry Blog released information that BlackBerry Desktop Manager 6 will be coming to BlackBerry Beta Zone in a limited beta. They also released some pictures of the new software and to say the least it is a complete UI overhaul. Hopefully someone will receive an invite soon and we will be able to see more of this valuable piece of software. Hit the jump for all the pictures.

"The first invitations to join our BlackBerry Desktop Software v6.0 Limited Beta will start going out today to some of you who have already joined BlackBerry® Beta Zone." - Audrey, writer for BlackBerry Blog

According to the post, The new UI is suppose to make it "a true part of the overall BlackBerry 6 experience."

It is a big change, but will it make you the consumer happy? Let us know in the comment section.

For more info, click here.


Rubén said...

They're using the 9700 in the screenshot a indication that the 9700 will get OS 6?

Dave said...

shows it with an OS5 build though, that was my first thought, but the build kinda hides if it does or not :(

Andrew C said...

I believe 9700 and storm 2 on will get OS6, i mean if my 8330 can handle 5.0, 9700 can handle 6.0. But thats just me.

Chris7851 said...

Recieved my invite just now and downloading!!!

Peemd said...

I am a beta tester but no link to d/l.
May you please invite me?

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