Official Specs of BlackBerry Curve 3G 9300

Apparently what will become know as the official specs of the soon-to-be released Curve 3G (aka Kepler 9300) have been leaked. As most predicted and was rumored, there is not too much of a jump from the 8500 series.

  • 3G and HSDPA
  • GPS
  • WiFi with UMA
  • Processor 624 MHz
  • 256 MB RAM
  • 256 MB Flash
  • QVGA screen (320 x 240)
  • 2 megapixel camera without flash
  • MHA 1150 Battery
  • Multimedia keys
  • OS 5.0
Hopefully this device will be OS 6.0 compatible, but no news has been heard yet.


Omar said...

Why no flash? It is unlikely the cost of adding a flash would raise the price to much. Even the model the 8520 replaced had a flash RIM and the weird decisions they make.

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