Verizon Stopped Testing Of OS 6 for the BlackBerry Storm 2?

According to a “reliable informant”, Verizon was working on some BlackBerry 6 builds for the 9550 Storm 2, but currently have ceased. It is being said that it was possible that Verizon ran into problems making the OS compatible with the device.

There are rumors that BlackBerry 6 requires at least 512MB of RAM, and the 9550 only has 256MB.

If true, this is sad for current Storm 2 users. Verizon to not make OS 6 for it at all seems wrong. Perhaps, Verizon will be up to their usual antics and release the OS late.


LK* said...

Really that makes no sense because the 9800 has OS 6 with around 300or so MB left. If the Storm2 had 512MB and the OS 6 needed all 512 that would leave it with no room for app? Yea I don't think that is correct. Even the Clamshell has 512MB and running OS 6 with around 300MB to spare.

Knottyrope said...

256-212 =44 meg free, thats not leaving much room for anything else.

richa637 said...

well don't you have huge memory support to with the storm 2 .. im sure something can be worked out, Makes no sense for them to have one full touch screen phone on verizon and not have the new OS on it. The OS works best with touch screens. So why wouldn't BB keep storm 2 users in mind while developing the software. Storm 2 isn't to old of a phone. It really isn't verizon. Blackberry probably had an idea of their future product and software lineup. I'm surprised storm 2 wasn't kept in mind.

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