BlackBerry Style 9670 'Clamshell' Passes FCC Certification

Just in case you were skeptical that the BlackBerry Style 9670 wouldn't see the light of day, it has just been spotted to pass the FCC certification. It is safe to say the 9670 has been unofficially, officially confirmed.

In case you've missed out, the Style 9670 will be the next BlackBerry flip-phone. It will have a full qwerty keyboard, OS 6, 4GB internal memory, probably a 624MHz processor, 5mb RAM, and a 5MP camera.

It will be interesting to see if the Style 9670 and even the Bold 9780, Storm 9570, or tablet (BlackPad/SurfBook) will be announced at DevCon coming up next week.

What are your thoughts on the Style 9670?

Source Engadget


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