First Image of the BlackBerry Storm3?

Here is something to blow up your mind. Apparently, this could be the first image to appear of the BlackBerry Storm3. While its still hard to make out if it is real or not, reports are coming in that it could be real.

Don't hold us to it, as form factors change, sometimes even at the last minute before final release. The image above may just be a Storm3 prototype of sorts. However, we feel it could hold up.

From what we can see from the image it appears that the SurePress technology has been dropped for a more capacitive touchscreen like the one found on the Torch 9800. A trackpad has also been added. The screen is said to be 3.7-inches long, which makes is narrower in width. It is also rumored to have 8GB of internal memory. A front facing camera was also rumored to be on the Storm3, however, you cannot see if there is one because of the 'm' sticker on the device (whatever that might be for).

It will be interesting to see what more comes of the Storm3 and if we see any more info or images arise. If the image is real, then those with more info usually start pushing it out. What do you think, could it be the Storm3?


Al said...

friend of mine said that was only a dummy. however, it could be the next generation BlackBerry Storm.

Bob said...

IF thats real, the position of the track pad would make it tough to navigate, being that its so close to the bottom like that?

Brossma1 said...

Looks like a streched photo of the 9800 I dont believe this is the storm3 and doubt that we will see it any time soon RIM is loosing Customers rapidly .

snoop5 said...

indonesia thats where my storm 1 was made thats a good sign, im currently trying out a droid 2 hope i know a defiant before 25 more days because i would love to keep my bb, and it being a storm 3 would put the icing on the cake. i ve had the droid 2 for 5 days and its fast but im not really impressed. if this has 1ghz it will blow the droid out of the water, i say that because the test that were ran the 9800 against the i phone and droid it was just a little slower with a 600mhz processor against the 1ghz of the other 2 something to think about, for all the bb critics

Nicholas Belcourt said...

well yeah ive been hearing roumers that it is going to have a slide out keyboard horizontally!!! But either way im totaly getting this phone the day it comes out!

Atom said...

it looks like to me another slider. or S3 cause the screen does look split just a little from the plastic edges...

Atom said...

ive read Rumors saying that RIM will be releasing another slider. but then again, this is a prototype. ill never buy another touch screen if it doesnt click, meaning physically highlight an press down.

Emirza said...


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